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Congratulations on beginning your journey to healing. The mere fact that you have began exploring natural, alternative options is a great start. If you suffer from fibroids, you already know all of the horrible symptoms that are involved. Fibroids are an accumulation of toxins, waste ands mucus in the womb creating a physical fibroid tumor. 

Invasive treatments and medications are not the only way to combat this condition. At Ancient Healing Teas, we offer a comprehensive, better, natural way through our 21 Day Fibroid Cleanse

Our 21 Day Fibroid Cleanse includes 4 powerful medicines, each containing potent herbs to start healing your body naturally. 

Included in your cleanse are 4 powerful herbal medicines:

The 1st is the Royal Moss.

The 2nd is the Purge.

The 3rd is the Underground Tonic.

The 4th is the Queens Medicine.

Our Royal Moss is made with our exclusive Pure Jamaican Seamoss. You want to consume a gel made from the Royal Moss daily throughout the entire cleanse. You can consume it in a tea or smoothie or you could take it by itself. The suggested use is at least 1 teaspoon a day. 


Royal Tea made w/ Ginger & Royal Moss Recipe


1 Tablespoon of chopped organic Ginger

1 Tablespoon Royal Moss Gel

1 cup of water

Bring 1 cup of water to boil. Add ginger to water and allow to simmer for 10 minutes. Strain ginger from water and add Royal Moss gel & stir into water. Enjoy.


The Purge, Underground Medicine, and Queens Medicine are prepared by brewing them into a tea. You can prepare them either daily or by the week.


Daily Preparation

Bring 16oz of water to boil. Add one tablespoon of the herbal blend. Simmer on low for 30 mins. Strain and enjoy.

Usage: Drink 1/2 cup of tea, 3x a day.


Weekly Preparation

Bring 1 gallon of water to boil. Add the entire jar of tea to the boiling water. Reduce heat and simmer on low for 45 minutes with the top off. Strain and refrigerate to store.

Usage: Drink 1/2 cup of tea, 3x a day.


Additional Notes

If breastfeeding, use only 1x a day.

Do not use during your menstrual cycle.

Do not reheat in the microwave. Simmer on low on the stovetop to reheat.

We highly recommend that you add 1 tablespoon of organic ginger to each batch of tea when brewing.

We do not suggest that you sweeten your tonics. If you must sweeten your tonics, we recommend using our Medicinal Honey.



Tara Cooper
Nov 01, 2020

Are you able to eat a plant base diet while doing this cleanse?

Kisha Wooden
Nov 14, 2020

Hello, I’m wanting to buy the 21day fibroid cleanse. As well as the fibroids tea. I know your company is busy but I want to understand how to use the teas to detox.

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